Bathroom Remodeling, Kitchen Remodeling, Kitchen Design, Kitchen Interior Design, and Custom Kitchen Cabinets in Ann Arbor, MI
Some of the most desired and effective home projects that happen in Ann Arbor, MI, are bathroom remodeling and kitchen remodeling projects. Whether you want a little help with kitchen design, are looking for custom kitchen cabinets, or want some tips for kitchen interior design, our team at Exclusively Cabinets by Cabinetek can help to make your remodeling projects a reality. Contact us today to get started on transforming your home.
Custom Kitchen Cabinets in Ann Arbor, MI
When you start looking at doing a kitchen remodeling project, as part of your kitchen design you should seriously consider looking at custom kitchen cabinets. These cabinets are designed to fit your space rather than having your space fit the cabinets that you get from the large lumberyard outfits. This will ensure that your kitchen is set up the way that you need it to be based on how you use it.
When you hear the words custom kitchen cabinets most people immediately think that they are prohibitively expensive. Hours and hours of custom woodwork and other things will lead to super expensive cabinets, but that just isn’t the case. There are standard sizes of cabinets that can keep those costs down, and then any other specialized cabinets will fully utilize your given space.
If you want a specific spice rack near where you cook, custom kitchen cabinets can give that to you. If you want glass fronts with lights behind to showcase special items, custom kitchen cabinets can give you that too. When you are working with our team on your kitchen interior design, you can specify where you want things to go, and we’ll make it happen.
Bathroom Remodeling in Ann Arbor
Don’t forget about the room that gets used multiple times per day by every family member and guest. Your bathroom remodeling project has a direct and daily impact on your home satisfaction. This is why it is one of the most common home remodeling projects that homeowners in Ann Arbor, MI, embark on. Whether it’s a bathroom remodeling project, a kitchen remodeling project, or other home-based projects, give a call to Exclusively Cabinets by Cabinetek to get the professional assistance you will appreciate for years to come.
Ann Arbor was founded in 1824, named after the wives of the village’s founders, both named Ann, and the stands of bur oak trees. On May 25, 1824, the town plat was registered with Wayne County as “Annarbour”, the earliest known use of the town’s name. The Ann Arbor Land Company, a group of speculators, set aside 40 acres of undeveloped land and offered it to the state of Michigan as the site of the state capitol, but lost the bid to Lansing. In 1837, the property was accepted instead as the site of the University of Michigan.